Advancing driver ed in Wisconsin

Annual Business Meeting & Conference

Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12 2025

Join driver educators, driving schools, and leaders in driver education at our annual conference in Wisconsin Dells. Learn about new products, services, and organizations dedicated to keeping our nation's drivers safe.

  • $80 per person before March 27, 2025
  • $95 per person March 27, 2025 or later
  • $35 per spouse (includes attending sessions, luncheon, and breaks)
  • $15 per additional meal ticket for the Friday Pizza Social
  • $75 for exhibitor space (setup Thursday 5-10 PM or Friday 6:30-7:30 AM)
  • $1,000 for sponsorships

Chula Vista Resort (1000 Chula Vista Pkwy, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 53965)
Hotel room conference rate is $98/night (Thursday and Friday) or $139/night for a double room. 12.25% tax is added if not tax exempt. Call 866-896-0499 to make reservation for discounted rate before April 4. Our hotel block number is K53248.

Register Now

Conference Speakers


We are looking for dynamic speakers to give us interesting information or tools to enhance driver education programs. We appreciate those who volunteer to speak at our conference at no cost, keeping registration fees low for our teachers.

Contact us today
Conference Sponsors


Without our sponsors we would have a hard time putting on our annual conference. Sponsorship levels start at $250 with additional opportunities available. Gain great exposure for your business; sponsor the conference today!

Contact us today
Conference Exhibitors


As an exhibitor, you get a 10' x 10' booth space (with 8-foot table, table linen and skirting, two chairs, and wastebasket), and lunch for two people. Additional meal tickets can be purchased during registration. Please let us know if you need access to electrical outlets.

Contact us today

Sponsors & Exhibitors

Drivers Ed Solutions AAA

The mission of the Wisconsin Driver Traffic Safety Education Association (WDTSEA) is to be a vital partner in traffic safety and driver education programs.

This partnership will support the education community in improving student safety performance by modeling effective leadership, promoting professional development, and collaborating with special interest groups to promote driver and traffic safety education for all people.

WDTSEA Bylaws Past Presidents

Upcoming Events

Board meetings, workshops, and conferences are open to all members.

Annual Conference
April 11, 2025
Wisconsin Dells

Annual Awards

WDTSEA provides awards at its Annual Business Meeting and Conference. We encourage you to consider nominating someone you believe deserves and qualifies for one of the following awards:

Teacher of the Year Award

The Teacher of the Year Award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated the capacity to advance and make significant contributions to traffic safety education. The nominee must be an active Wisconsin driver education instructor.

Know a teach who deserves to be recognized for being exceptional?
Print the nomination form.


  • 2020 - Kevin Ruplinger, Edgar High School
  • 2019 - Jon Schrum, Fond du Lac High School
  • 2018 - Anne Able, Found du Lac High School
  • 2017 - Robert Cheever, Seneca and Kickapoo High Schools
  • 2015 - Jeff Allram, Praire Farm High School
  • 2014 - Bob Movrich, Wilmot High School/CESA#2
  • 2013 - Christine Bergan, AAA Madison
  • 2012 - Bill Jensen, Fond du Lac High School
  • 2011 - Karen Sorenson, Spooner High School
  • 2010 - Kevin Kirby, Rhinelander High School

Hall of Fame Award

The Hall of Fame Award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated long-term commitment and dedication to driver education and traffic safety.The nominee should be or have been a member of WDTSEA.

Know someone who has made a significant impact on driver education in Wisconsin?
Print the nomination form.


  • 2018 - Dick Bilda, Doug Coons, Hugh Gnatzig, and Karen Sorenson
  • 2017 - Stan Hilgendorf, Art Godleski, Ed Wendorf, and Craig Wucivic
  • 2016 - Norm Gestland, Joe Guyette, ad Neal Rathjen
  • 2015 - Bob Garnett, Mike McGinley, and Dr. Randy Thiel

Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award recognizes individuals who has or is currently contributing to driver education or traffic safety in some capacity. This could be a current or former teacher, DPI employee, DMV individual, or WDTSEA board member.

Know someone who has provided the community with exceptional service this year?
Print the nomination form.


  • 2018 - Kurt Schultze, Director of CESA #2 Driver Education


Board of Directors

Brian Pottinger

Brian Pottinger


Stacie Brethouwer

Stacie Brethouwer


Christine Bergan

Christine Bergan


Kevin Kirby

Kevin Kirby

Business Manager

Lauie Eidenberger

Lauie Eidenberger

Southeast Representative

Ryan Hammett

Ryan Hammett

Northwest Representative

Trish Lindenberg

Trish Lindenberg

Northeast Representative

Michael Morgen

Michael Morgen


Molly O'Flanagan

Molly O'Flanagan


Logan Prohaska

Logan Prohaska

Southwest Representative

Karen Sorenson

Karen Sorenson


Bill Stuessel

Bill Stuessel


Becky Sundeen

Becky Sundeen

Delegate At-Large